Thank you for your interest in our Museum, to open your own museum you have 2 options

Option 1

01. Visit

Visit the nearest 3D Fun Art Museum


02. Apply

Complete the online application form, get a reply from 3D Fun Art


03. Sign

Sign the agreement online or offline.


04. Open

Open your 3D Fun Art Partner Museum and get long-term service & support.


Our Service

     Free Store Location Selection
     Free Floor Design Guidance
         Free On-site Supervision
           Free Training

We will provide you with everything you need for a successful business concept in your city

3D FUN ART is the Licensor our Partner Museum is the Licensee 

The licensor (3D Fun Art) provides:

1. Partner 5-year contract with renewal.
2. The domain www.3dfunart… ( with website.
3. Email address info@3dfunart…
4. 3D Fun Art Logo (300 dpi).
5. In our 3D image online shop you find more than 70 images you can choose 25 pictures, and a maximum of 5 additional pictures are made for the Partner Museum and must be in connection with the country or city.
6. Ames room instructions + background image.
7. 60 ° room table + 2 mirrors.
8. 1 x Einstein mask.
9. 1 x Illusion chair or table
10. Mirror lens kaleidoscope.
11. Upside-down room background image.
12. Entrance and gift shop background image.
13. Head on the plate + background image.
14. 3D Fun Art Flyer (1 x 2500) + layout design for self-order.
15. Initial training provided by the FRANCHISOR to the FRANCHISEE;
16. Advice and services provided in setting up the establishment, which includes the project where the museum will be installed,
with the installation of all the images, photographs, furniture and rooms mentioned here.
17. Right to use the 3 D FUN ART MUSEUM trademark

The licensee (Partner Museum) is only uses:

1. Images from the 3D image online shop.
2. Uses background images from 3D Fun Art in the entrance area, gift shop, Ames room, head on the plate, and upside down room.
3. 3D Fun Art flyers, e-mails, websites, and advertising signs ….. marked with the 3D Fun Art logo.
4. This contract is a one-time contract for one (1) museum. The Licensee Partner Museum may not use the trademark outside of this license area.
5. The Licensee is not entitled to grant sub-licenses to third parties from the license granted with this contract. The rights granted under this contract can only be transferred with the written consent of the Licensor.
6. The space that the Partner rents at his own expense should be at least 300 – 500 square meters.

License price:

a,) After signing the contract, the first entry fee of €10,000 (ten thousand) euros is due, which is not offset against the regular license fee payments and cannot be repaid even if the contract is terminated early. The second payment €60,000 (sixty thousand) is 2 months after signing the contract and the third and final payment €80,000 (eighty thousand) is upon completion of the new museum.
(Additional logistic and transport costs apply for not national locations)

b,) After the museum opens, there is a license fee of €600 (six hundred) per month, to be paid at the beginning of the month. 

c,) To maintain and keep the museum attractive the Licensor partner must select at least 5 new images per year from our 3D image online shop and exchange them in the museum.

d,) This contract will automatically renew for periods of 5 (five) years.

e,) The renewal fee is €15,000.00 (fifteen thousand) for each renewal.

f,) The licensee undertakes not to register or use any trademarks for identical or similar businesses that are identical or confusingly similar to the licensed trademark.

Option 2

If you already have a museum, amusement park or would like to open your own museum with your own name, you can buy pictures from our online shop (more than 70 images), the prices vary from 1200-3900€ (ex VAT) plus transport. We can also make new pictures for you with your own ideas (we need 1-3 weeks per picture), price is on request.

I hope you will be part of our success!